伊  藤    勝

1961年 大阪生まれ

1987年 東京造形大学卒業カワサキ・タカオオフィスでの経験を経て
1991年に独立し、ITO MASARU DESIGN PROJECT / SEI Co., Ltd.を設立。


M A S A R U  I T O 

Graduated from Tokyo University of Art and Design in 1987
After considerable experience in Kawasaki Takao Office, established ITO MASARU DESIGN PROJECT/SEI Co., Ltd, in 1991

“Feel with Five Senses, create on Instinct”

ITO MASARU DESIGN PROJECT/SEI explores the possibility of space by one and only style which stays out of the trend while recognizing
and accepting the opinionsand requests from their clients.
They are adept at mixing atmosphere of the times and latest technology and creating their own interpretation of design.


伊  藤    勝

1961年 大阪生まれ

1987年 東京造形大学卒業
カワサキ・タカオオフィスでの経験を経て 1991年に独立し、ITO MASARU DESIGN PROJECT / SEI Co., Ltd.を設立。


ITO MASARU DESIGN PROJECT/SEIは、クライアントの要望を 受けとめながらもトレンドに左右されない唯一無二のスタイルで空間の可能性を追求します。 時代の空気感と最新テクノロジーを独自の解釈でリミックスしたデザインを得意とします。

M A S A R U  I T O 

- Born in Osaka, Japan in 1961

Graduated from Tokyo University of Art and Design in 1987 After considerable experience in Kawasaki Takao Office, established ITO MASARU DESIGN PROJECT/SEI Co., Ltd, in 1991

“Feel with Five Senses, create on Instinct”

ITO MASARU DESIGN PROJECT/SEI explores the possibility of space by one and only style which stays out of the trend while recognizing and accepting the opinionsand requests from their clients.
They are adept at mixing atmosphere of the times and latest technology and creating their own interpretation of design.